Development of training interventions, behavior and performance evaluation using eye-tracking and wearable technologies, usability assessments and UX designs.
Optimization, simulation, and data analytics applications in areas including disaster management, healthcare, and energy systems
Advancing knowledge and solution methodologies in optimization, data analytics, machine learning, and social choice through the use of interdisciplinary techniques.
Supply Chain Management and Logistics
Engineering and Emerging Technology Ethics, Ethics of Modeling, Management of Engineering and Technology , Professional Development, Organizational Behavior, Cultural Analysis and Ethnography
Social Media Analytics, Social Network Analysis, Data Science, Network Science, Human Behavior Modeling
Energy Materials and Systems, Condensed Matter Physics, Emergency Communication, Preparedness, and Response, Engineering Education.
Develop and use mathematical models to guide decision making for logistics and supply chain challenges.
Engineering-driven machine learning, deep learning, uncertainty quantification, system intelligence, advanced manufacturing.
management of technological organizations, innovation, policy, robotics, policy issues of research and development in the service sector
reliability, life testing, statistical quality control, quality management, biostatistics, industrial statistics
management information systems, knowledge-based systems, human and organizational error in large-scale systems, impact of information technology on systems and organizations.
Decision making, cognition, decision support
Industrial and Systems Engineering Department
CII 5015 - 5th Floor - Low Center for Industrial Innovation
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, NY 12180-3590
Staff Directory