John Hendrick

Retired - Data Analytics and Performance

John Hendrick

First employment - New York State Department of Education - Office of Higher Education Planning -Implementing an RPI developed computer simulation model projecting student flows in the NY state higher education system.

Next - Raytheon Company in Massachusetts.  Raytheon was working with North American Rockwell on the Apollo program.  Rockwell was working with IBM on a new hierarchical database management technology (IMS).  John became project lead installing an integrated Engineering Bill of Material System across many product lines.  This success lead to responsibility for a work group and the majority of Raytheon business data over the next 20+ years.  The role expanded to include relational DB2 and ORACLE data structures.  Assignments included data base design, data availability and data performance requiring the use of queuing and simulation techniques learned at RPI.

Recent work included 4 years at Deloitte Consulting in Connecticut - Office of Social Services - converting the statewide Eligibility Management System (Snap, welfare, etc.) from a mainframe based hierarchic IMS CICS 3270 green screen system to a distributed DB2 relational data and dynamic screens based system for the entire state of Connecticut.

John graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute with B.S and M.S. degrees in Industrial and Systems Engineering and has taken additional graduate courses at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

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